The Only No-Code Backend Without Limits

With Tava's API builder, you have the freedom to bring your business logic to life without the constraints of traditional no-code tools.


Never Write an API

With Tava, it only takes a matter of minutes to model your backend and manage your database.

No-Code, Developer Friendly

Create a fully functional backend without writing any code. All API endpoint documentation will be generated for you automatically.

  • Take Out The Complexity

    Revolutionize your database modeling by spinning-up models in minutes with our pre-constructed templates for authentication and payment.

  • Webhooks

    Empower your online accounts to communicate seamlessly and stay informed of new developments automatically.

  • Database Requests

    Experience hassle-free data management with our all-in-one database request builder, perfect for wrangling data from one or many sources.

Core Features

API Documented Automatically

Easily keep track of your API endpoints with automatic documentation in Swagger.

Media Upload

Store and upload many file types, including videos, images, PDFs and more.

Database Requests

Retrieve and maintain data from multiple sources.

Data Manipulation

Manage your data in Tava without a single line of code.

Data Relationships

Revolutionize data modeling by managing relationships without the need for requests.

Background Tasks (CRON)

Create workflows, functions, set up CRON jobs, and schedule automated tasks with Tava's API builder.

Data Caching with Redis

Faster data processing and improved performance with Tava's built-in Redis caching.

Managed Dedicated Resources

Tava's paid accounts come with a single-tenant deployment guaranteeing control and access to your data.

Get Ready to #DisruptEverything

Start using Tava for free and begin creating your personalized application today.